Finishing Touch Workshop – For Teenage Girls transitioning into Ladies

Duration: 3 hours | Venue: Refer to Schedule

finishing touch

Finishing Touch Workshop

This Finishing Touch Workshop will teach girls how to create a look all their own and have the confidence and poise to be successful in all that she does. Your teenage daughter will learn proper routines for good skin care and how to apply a minimum of make-up to enhance rather than to cover up their beauty. Teens will learn how to dress and create a basic wardrobe that fits their personal coloring, style and body shape.

Knowing how color can magnify or block a person’s good qualities, and how to dress differently for various occasions will help any teenage young lady to make that good impression. Learning about figure challenges and how to highlight their best features guides in effectively choosing the best style and fit for their bodies.

Who is it for?

If your child is between 12-19 this workshop is for them. They can learn for the first time or take as a review and renewal lesson in how to develop the skills to grow into graceful adults. Finding a way to express herself through her dress, make-up, grooming, body shape and fashion will give confidence and self-esteem. Girls often need the guidance of someone who really knows how to make the most of their inner beauty and how to accept themselves as they are.

Girls need to take time to learn who they are aside from all their peer influences. They need to learn how to express their own talents and their own character in attractive ways that will not deny them what they want out of life.

What is my child going to get from this course?

From this program, your young lady will learn to be elegant, poised, and confident. Additionally, she will acquire the knowledge to present herself in an attractive manner without spending a fortune.

The focus of this Finishing Touch Workshop is for each girl to recognize her best features, to accept herself for who she is, to express that person and to dig deep to find her own personal beauty.

What is the course fee?

Refer to Schedule

What’s included in the course fee?

• Personal Colour Chart
• Course Materials

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